Tessa Palmer, Psy.D.
I genuinely believe that anyone can benefit from therapy, but that does not mean that it is easy. I appreciate the difficulty in even taking the first step, and I hope to provide compassionate support whether it is someone’s first time in therapy, they are returning, or if they have had negative experiences with it in the past.
As a therapist, I work primarily from a relational dynamic perspective and I use human diversity and social justice lenses to further inform my work. This means that I place particular emphasis on emotions and relationships, and that I strive to be emotionally present and available for authentic connection. It is my belief and experience that the work and healing of therapy occur within this connection. Therapy is thus a collaborative process of building an affirming relationship that leads to meaningful change.
I received my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University New England, and I have worked in community mental health and college counseling settings. I completed a residency at University Counseling Services at Virginia Commonwealth University and a predoctoral internship at the College of William & Mary Counseling Center.
I enjoy working with adults and adolescents with a wide variety of concerns. I specialize in working with trauma (especially sexual trauma); sex and sexuality; self-harm; relational concerns; and identity development. I always strive to facilitate an environment that is identity-affirming across various dimensions of human diversity. This includes various aspects of sexuality (including kink and non-monogamy); gender; race; and health status.
I am additionally a huge fan of standup comedy and believe in the healing power of humor.